Recortadores - A Leap of Faith

“There’s a chance I won’t come home alive.”

He straps on his rucksack and marches out the door. He has just showered and hasn’t eaten a thing in 12 hours. If a bull were to gore him in the arena, there’s a chance he’d need to be operated on. And doctors prefer to operate on someone with an empty stomach.

It’s a 4,000-year-old dance – an ancient contest in which the only participant in danger is a young man attempting to evade a charging bull in the most artistic manner possible. The margins are tight and injuries are frequent but for the bull-leapers of Spain, it’s about a love for the bulls and the thrill of performing in the shadow of potential disaster. Before bull-leaper, Eusebio Sacristán leaves his parents’ home on the morning of a significant competition, he says something no mother wants to hear.


The Shadow Dance of Sovereignty

Series of 18

Echos of Form

Series of 14

The Quiet Professionals

Series of 12

The Cowboy

Series of 25


Series of 113